Thursday, September 28, 2017

Underwear set as been updated to v1.1


Underwear set as been updated to v1.1

As always it's a crappy update full of crappy stuff!

get it here :

Enjoy, or not. I don't care.
And oh yeah there's no matching panties for that new bra... I couldn't care less.
Commando is the only way to go =)

Alternative Tops


Here are some Party DLC tops i had a urge to (badly) modify. Oh yeah my vertices pushing skills are crap! I don't care! ^_^

This mod contains 2 tops.

IDs : 205490 and 205491



Have fun!

Still got something big to anounce, stay tuned!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

September news

Hey, i'm not dead... yet ^^.

1/ Skirt set #2 has been updated. I corrected weird denim skirt speculars. I hope to be proficient enough with weight painting to correct the crappy weight maps.... Oh well...
If you can deal with this for me, send me a message, that would be nice!

2/ A somewhat big anouncement (at least for me) on its way! Stay tuned!